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Why Commodity Quality and Safety

The Imperative of Quality and Safety in Agriculture

Quality and safety are crucial across diverse agricultural products, from spices and beverages to sugars and biofuels. These factors are vital for both consumer health and producer credibility. Spices like turmeric, chili pepper, and cumin are staples in global cuisine. Their quality impacts taste, aroma, and nutritional value. Adulteration and contamination can severely compromise their authenticity and effectiveness. Beverages such as tea and coffee are enjoyed worldwide. Maintaining their purity and freshness is essential to preserve their flavor and health benefits. Issues like pesticides and improper handling can undermine these qualities.

Solutions for Safe-Guarding the Agri Value Chain

Embracing the Green Collar Revolution means prioritizing quality and safety throughout the agricultural value chain. By adopting innovative technologies, implementing strict quality control, and promoting transparency, we can ensure these commodities are produced and consumed responsibly in the spices, nutraceuticals, beverages, food ingredients and bio fuels industries. Together, we can build a future where quality and safety are the foundations of the agricultural industry.

The Lab Testing Hurdle in the Spice Industry

The spice industry faces significant hurdles in maintaining consistent quality through traditional laboratory testing. This conventional approach presents several challenges

High Costs

Laboratory testing is often expensive, involving specialized and expensive capital-intensive equipment, skilled personnel, and time-consuming processes. These costs significantly impact profit margins, especially for small-scale spice producers and exporters.


Laboratory analysis can be a lengthy process, with results taking days or even weeks to be generated. This delay hampers decision-making and leads to missed opportunities in the fast-paced market.

Lack of Portability

Laboratory-based testing restricts quality control to a centralized location, making it difficult to monitor quality at various stages of the supply chain. This increases the incidence of undetected quality issues, often directly impacting bottom-line of the value chain player.

Infrastructure Dependency

Reliance on laboratories can create a bottleneck, especially during peak seasons or when dealing with large volumes of samples. This results in disruption of operations, delays and returns due to unmet quality specs.

How doesTARAM®from Green Collar help overcome these hurdles?

Green Collar Agritech'sTARAM®offers a revolutionary solution. Our portable NIR-based analyzer provides rapid, on-site quality assessments for a wide range of spices.

Accelerate decision-making

Obtain instant insights into spice quality, from curcumin content in turmeric to volatile oil levels in peppercorns to colour value in chillies and so on.

Optimize operations

Streamline your supply chain, reduce testing costs, and improve overall efficiency.

Enhance quality control

Identify quality issues early, preventing costly product recalls and protecting your brand reputation.

Expand your market

Demonstrate your commitment to quality through accurate and reliable spice analysis and aquire new customers world wide.
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Our Patented, Proprietary, Portable, Near Infra-Red and Machine Learing Solution For Instant Quality Assesment

Empowers businesses of all sizes to make informed decisions and achieve greater success in the competitive spice market.

Let Green Collar Agritech help you unlock the full potential of your spices.

Proudly Incubated at:

IISc, Bangalore

Kongu Engg College, Perundurai

TNAU, Coimbatore

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